Navigating the Digital Realm user February 9, 2024

Navigating the Digital Realm

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, the term “programmatic” often sparks curiosity and, at times, a touch of apprehension. The journey from initial skepticism to a comprehensive understanding is a common experience, akin to deciphering a complex puzzle. 

Dispelling the myth that programmatic is reserved for low-quality, unsold ad inventory is crucial. In its infancy, digital advertising faced challenges, but the industry has evolved. Today, programmatic stands as the preferred choice for publishers and advertisers alike, offering a platform that optimizes inventory listing and enhances the overall ad purchasing experience.

Programmatic has emerged as the preferred choice for both publishers and advertisers. It facilitates optimized inventory listing and buying by providing publishers with data analytics to enhance pricing strategies and allow advertisers to maximize returns on ad purchases. The key lies in leveraging data segmented by demographics or interests to target the right audience—finding the right person, at the right place, and at the right time. Wait sorry, Chinese subtitles were on. Ok, let’s repeat.

Let’s say you want to spend the weekend at a hotel and want to decide which one. You find the first hotel you like and you give them a call.

You: Hello, I want a room with a sea view, an international breakfast and access to pool.

Hotel A: Sure sir, we have the exact room you’re looking for. It will be for $Y a night.

You: I’m sorry but this is above budget, do you have anything for less? Something around $X a night?

Hotel A: We do have one available but we don’t serve breakfast.

You: Sorry, that won’t work. Thanks for your time. Bye

That was way above budget! Let’s try hotel B.

You: Hello, I want a room with a sea view, an international breakfast and access to the pool.

Hotel B: Sorry sir, we have a room with international breakfast and access to the pool but no sea view, just the city.

You: Can’t you find something with a sea view?

Hotel B: Sorry sir, they’re all fully booked.

You: Thanks for your time. Bye

Ok, one more

You: Hello, I want a room with a sea view, an international breakfast and access to the pool.

Hotel C: Sure Sir, we do have one ready. It will be for $W a night.

You: Great! (that’s cheaper than I thought too). Please book it.

Needless to say programmatically, this would have taken less than one second (The Flash who?) to match the right buyer with the right seller, all while disregarding irrelevant and mismatched audiences and jumping right into the audience that ticks all the boxes. In this case, jumping right into Hotel C because A does not match the seller’s price and B does not match the buyer’s request. So it’s really a game of mix and match!

Also, think about it. If programmatic is really as bad as the myth says it is, it wouldn’t be hitting 70% to 90% of digital spending across the world. No? Yes? No?

Let me know!